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Saturday, January 21, 2006 

Be back in February

Hi guys!!
There won't be any posting for the next 10 days as we will be away!! Maybe you guys can browse through some of the devotional posted earlier in December. Keep on reading the word of God and let God inspires you. God bless and have a good holiday!!

Bob and Suz Majimbun

Hi, Bob + Suz,

Have a great holiday, come back refreshed, renewed, and roaring for the Lord. 'kay?!

Yeah go have fun.

Give out lots and lots of angpows hehehehehehehe

ang pow... man if both of you are here habis your whole month's cost of living. :D

anyway.. what bible would be the best for teens? NLT? NASB? NKJ? or others.. ahahahahahahahahahaha (heiyer.. internet got problem lately make things so slow..mo sot jor)


hey, venetia, when is your birthday? Will get you a nice bible.

wow...quite happening here and also the powerhouse blog....been driving up and down of semenanjung...now in kch...will be driving to sibu on friday and thank God flying from sibu to kk...or else... cya soon...

Hi Bob & Suz,

driving up and down Semenanjung can be fun too if the traffic is light and the scenery is cool. How far is Kch to Sibu? Glad you aint driving from Sibu to K.K. which is of course no fun.

wishing you & Suz happy hols, enjoy yourselves, take care in driving, (take rest breaks if tired). "wow, wow, wulf, wulf" (dog year right?) Dogs are loyal pals.

Thanks for the tip on the Powerhouse Blog. Happening, lots of interesting comments. Just realised something -- seems to have more entries when the two of you are away. How come??

Heheh...must be the school holidays. More free to go online. Hyper also because of the fact that EVERYONE in powerhouse EXCEPT bob and me getting ang pau...sigh! Kuching-Sibu is 6 hours drive by road. Leaving at 6am tomorrow. My dad's idea! ;) so he can have sibu kampua mee for lunch! U guys that are travelling off for CNY, have a great trip, GOd bless. Savour your reunion time with your family. Keep reading ODB daily. Will see u all soon next week. God bless! Gong Xi Fa Chai, Wan Se Ru Yi, Sien Ti Chien Kang! ;)

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