Express thankfulness
11Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. 12As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy[a]met him. They stood at a distance 13and called out in a loud voice, "Jesus, Master, have pity on us!"
14When he saw them, he said, "Go, show yourselves to the priests." And as they went, they were cleansed.
15One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. 16He threw himself at Jesus' feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan.
17Jesus asked, "Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? 18Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?" 19Then he said to him, "Rise and go; your faith has made you well."
How about you?
Do you remember to thank others when they do something for you? How about thanking your parents for all the washing, cooking, shopping, and errands they do for you? How about thanking them for providing a home for you? Think of other people who do things for you and thank them. It takes practice to become a grateful and thoughtful person, but that's the kind of person God wants you to be.
To memorize: Luke 17:7
esus asked, "Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine?
aunty shirley shareed about this today.
hm. yeah.
with LUCNH!
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:23 PM
*came back and read again*
".. threw himself at Jesus' feet and thanked him..."
that just shows how grateful this guy is. (wuah...)
Jesus/God healed me twice. two miracles. the first one, which was few years ago took one night. actually it was when i had fever to a stage that i thought i would die. alone, on my bed, i told God something and promised Him to do something IF He healed me straight away. Yes, it did not happened RIGHT AWAY. i slept and woke up the next day to find myself healed. and i get to walk i think. i dont quite remember. But yeah, i find it a miracle. (weeeeeeee)
the second one was an instant healing. and it just happened last year. it was in the afternoon where we had our last dance practise for the gaya christmas THAT Night. we usually sit in a circle and pray b4 we start the practise. i was so sick that time ( it has been a few days actually)that i couldnt sit right. after the whole thing ended with ppl who prayed for me, and i also prayed for myslef lah. guess what? when the poeple started to scatter around including me.. i find myself totally WELLL. HEY TOTALLY.
(well i only realised it after walking a few steps away from the circle)
... but i did not thank that God like what that man did. i danced la. fuiyoh.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:07 PM
SOOOOOO many things to thank God for! Every now and again, I will sit down and make a list of things to thank God for, making sure I dont repeat :D I dont do it once, but I do it for a few days and weeks... It gives a new perspective to my life, as I see how God has been at work for me, through me and in me.
As for thanking others, it doesnt cost us much, but it brings so much value to the receiver.....
Let's do it, esp with the busy weekend ahead! Let's be extra vigilent for opportunities to be thankful, and to thank!
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:23 AM
Thank you for typing Powerhouse Devotionals so faithfully.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:35 PM
Yeah...sometimes we don't thank God aye. Lesson learned from this parable: Sometimes non believers who are healed by the power of God are quicker to give God the glory and praise and tell other ppl. Compared to us Christians! ;)
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:57 PM
Sad to say, a large number of Christians take God for granted and are not appreciative of the blessings that they have...
We should strive to remember not to be one of "the nine who have gone missing" after being the receipient of a miricle.
Our Lord Jesus died for for us all on the Cross, His precious blood was the price for our redemption. How can we not love Him and be thankful always??
If we focus on this fact daily, we should start our day with thankfulness in our hearts.
If not for the Lord, where would we be today???
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:08 PM
Sorry, the word miracle was wrongly spelt as 'miricle'.
Before I took Jesus as Lord and Saviour, I did ask myself what is the purpose of my life? Not much meaning in what I was doing, day in and day out. Whatever happiness
I have, didnt last long, even while on vacation I still have my worries. It is good to have money but without any purpose in life, it doesnt mean much.
Now my life has been transformed. The void in my heart has been filled by the wondrous love of Jesus. There is meaning and purpose though our stay on earth is
only temporal. I have the peace of mind that money alone cannot buy for this comforting peace only our Lord Jesus can give.
I have been truly blessed as God is very real to me and have received miraculous healing and indeed have 'walked victorious with the Lord' over Satan. [not all the time of course but secure in the knowledge that we can manifest the power in our Lord's glorious name against the devil.
Those times that I failed when my sinful nature got the better of me, I know our Father God is forgiving as He is full of gracious mercy for His repentant children.]
So I am forever thankful, grateful and appreciative of the goodness of God, the supreme sacrifice of our Lord Jesus and the presence and protection of the Holy Spirit.
I live in the knowledge that whatever happens, God knows best. However, I need to pray for divine help in my obedience in view of my many human weaknesses that Satan is so keen to exploit.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:13 AM